Posts Tagged 'Allah'

Surah Nas

Is there a ‘The Truth’ or are there many ‘truths’?

In the early years of my blog I started my blog writing about the existence of God and posting articles from others about this topic. I would like to revisit this subject as it is the spring from which everything else emanates, the spring in this sense being a water spring. Without the spring there can be water which emanates from it.

I would like to talk about why Islam is the truth.

However preceding the question of what is the truth, there is the question of is there a ‘Truth’ or does ‘The Truth’ exist? In contrast to that there would be the idea linked to moral relativism that there is no single truth.


Yes there is a ‘the truth’ and our whole ‘reality’ (even that term is derived from the idea of the ‘real’ as opposed to the ‘unreal’) and existence is based on that and to deny that is to deny reality itself.

  1. Are you reading this blog right now? Yes, you are or no you are not. The answer here is obviously yes.
  2. Do you exist? Yes or no. The answer is you do.
  3. Is your mobile number {insert your specific number} or is it something else? Imagine your mobile number was 077 1234 4567 and someone said no that it was 077 9999 8888 then obviously they would be wrong. There is only one truth here. Your number is your number. If you were applying for an important job interview and the company wished to contact you and they phoned anything other than the specific number that is yours they would be wrong. There is only specific number that is yours but many other numbers which are not yours. The truth is one, errors are many. Remember that.

If someone said your biological parents were not who they actually are but someone else, they would be wrong. Your parents are your parents.

We do not live in a semi-illusory delusional world of moral relativism or ‘relative’ truth. We live in a simple world of things are what they are.

We cannot live in the real world if we live in delusion. When we need to send an important email to a specific organisation, there is only one email (or certain specific emails) you can send it and not just anyone you want. Life is about specificity and accuracy and not about being nonchalant and relaxed about what is true or not true. In extreme cases not following the truth can lead to death. For instance in a medical operation there maybe certain specific procedures that need to be followed. No one has time to engage in games and say that specificity does not apply and you can treat a patient anyhow you want.


So having established that there is only one truth and it is in fact dangerous at times not to follow that specific truth in certain circumstances we also need to recognise the fact that we live in a binary world. Our modern world is based around computers and electronics the fundamental building block of that. T

‘Binary is a numerical system that only uses two digits: 1 and 0. All information that is processed by a computer is in the form of a sequence of 1s and 0s. Therefore, all data that we want a computer to process needs to be converted into binary. The binary system is known as a ‘base 2′ system.’

1 is true, 0 is false.

However it is not just computers that use binary but we ourselves use it.

We use it constantly nearly every second of our life.

  1. Is the bathroom on the left? – FALSE.
  2. Is the bathroom on the right? – TRUE, so I will go to the right.

‘I am going to work now, is the way to my workplace by driving north? FALSE. Is it by driving south? TRUE. So I will drive south’.

TRUE and FALSE, 1 AND 0 are the basis of all computers which are the basis of our modern civilisation.

The whole of our lives is a binary of truth or non-truth and it is only by following the truth that we can succeed and in following non-truth we will not succeed. In fact we might even be harmed and it could even lead to our deaths.


So is everything binary? Well the answer is yes and no. Let me give you an example. Someone asks you do you like this particular ice cream? The answer could be in a spectrum from “I absolutely adore it” to “I absolutely detest it.” and all the things in between those two extremes. So the answer here is ‘no’, not everything is binary in that sense. But….fundamentally the answer is yes, this is still a binary, because if you love that ice cream and someone said you hated it that would be a non-truth, a falsehood. So again the binary nature of reality.

The binary nature of reality does not rule out being flexible and adjusting to different situations differently. Even then we could say that is still a binary because a dosage of 5 milligrams migh work for patient A and be bad for patient B who needs 9 milligrams. So we cannot say patient B needs 5 milligrams, that would be a non-truth, a falsehood and if we give them 5 we could cause them harm or even potentially kill them.


Having established that there is only one truth and not multiple truths and it is dangerous to follow non-truth, this then leads us to the question of what is the truth? This is of course the most important and perhaps the most contested question in the history of humanity, but in my next blog I would like to talk about why rationally and scientifically our existence was not by random chance but can only be because of an omnipotent creator.

Seek help through your lord and be patient…

Turn to Allah

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting, text that says 'SAD? Talk to Allah. HAPPY? Praise Allah. PROBLEMS? Ask from Allah. love.Allo e.Allaah DEPRESSED? Cry to Allah.'

Oh Allah, let my death only reach me when…

If you wish to know the value of Allah’s blessings…


Someone else is praying for…

Words carry energy…

Words carry energy to either build or destroy , it is incumbent that we all choose our words wisely , what we say to others truly matters.


Allah’s mercy…

A hungry stomach…


Suffering and loss are often the best teachers in life. Those who live a life of being underprivileged are often more attuned to the reality of this world than those who grow up in luxury, oblivious to the true nature of the world that we live in. If however they do experience problems later on, this educates them.


Rather than tribulations educating us, let us pay heed to the sufferings of others and take lessons from that before we have to go through problems ourselves to learn these lessons.


  • Faatih

May 2024

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